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11 positively lovely experiences you will have on Dublin Bus

It’s not all bad.

DUBLIN BUS AND its passengers can sometimes find itself on the receiving end of negative attention.

But it’s not all bad, is it?

Not at all.

Anyone who regularly gets the bus will tell you that you often witness some random acts of kindness and have some pretty lovely experiences.


1. When the driver waits for you as you breathlessly run down the street to catch your bus

giphy (9) Source: gif-guy

Thanks, Mr. Bus Driver!

2. Having a bus girl/bus guy to make eyes at on your daily commute

giphy (10) Source: iwantcupcakes/Tumblr

We all have that one person on our daily commute that we can happily make eyes at.

It might never develop from there, but it doesn’t even need to. It’s just nice to know they’re there.

3. When someone gives you a hand folding up your buggy

giphy (11) Source: Reddit

It’s only a little thing, but it sure goes a long way.

4. Ditto when passengers help one another with heavy bags or suitcases

home-alone-shopping-bags Source: igrad

Because sometimes you need a hand fitting your suitcase into the luggage area.

5. When you haven’t a clue where you’re going and the bus driver lets you know over the intercom when you’ve reached your destination

Anti Water Charges Campaigns Protests Source: Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland

Essential for all college students when they move to the Big Smoke for the first time and are unsure what exotic places like “Santry” or “Stillorgan” look like.

Bus drivers: saving blow-ins from getting lost since, well, forever.

6. When you have no money on your Leap Card, but the driver lets you on anyway

New Travel Leap Cards Source: Sam Boal/Photocall Ireland

Because they’re sound and understanding like that.

Ditto when the Leap Card machine isn’t working properly.

7. When you spot a bus driver being super patient with tourists

Underneath that gruff veneer, they’re all pets, see.

8. Getting to eavesdrop on delightful conversations

9. Unexpectedly jumping into a mate and getting to have a good old chinwag for the whole journey

giphy (14) Source: toloveawiki/Tumblr

10. Getting the bus into town with your mates before a night out

giphy (15) Source: must-have-coffee/Tumblr

It may be a thing of the past now, but you no doubt look back fondly on those bus adventures.

You were uncontrollably giddy, you may have been sipping from, ahem, water bottles and every other passenger probably hated you. But you had the best time and that’s all that matters, right?

11. And getting to sit on the top deck

Dublin Bus. Dublin Bus Real Time time p Source: Sam Boal/Photocall Ireland

Be honest: sitting on the top deck and looking out the front window still holds a novelty. No matter how old you are.

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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